Tag Archives: space opera

Elizabeth Bear’s Machine

Elizabeth Bear is playing a long game in Machine, the second installment in her White Space series. The series is shaping up to be an exploration of those dark places – not to say dystopian spaces – that are always … Continue reading

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J. J. Abrams’ Star Trek: Into Darkness

I’ve sort of lost track of Star Trek, after being glued to the TV every week in my younger days, as Gene Rodenberry’s original series was airing. Strangely enough, the last Star Trek movie I saw was The Wrath of … Continue reading

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C.J.Cherryh’s Chanur’s Legacy

Chanur’s Legacy is a pendant volume to C. J. Cherryh’s great Chanur Saga, possibly one of the most engaging science-fiction series ever written. It’s a new universe — well, partly new. The story begins some years after the end of … Continue reading

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C. J. Cherryh’s The Chanur Saga; Chanur’s Homecoming

C. J. Cherryh’s The Chanur Saga is an almost-omnibus edition of her tetralogy about Pyanfar Chanur and her ship, the interstellar trader The Pride of Chanur. Because of length, the “omnibus” volume contains the first three in the series (The … Continue reading

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Catherynne M. Valente’s Space Opera

It is difficult to describe how Catherynne M. Valente’s new book Space Opera manages to be so wonderfully resonant of Douglas Adams’ The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy yet so insistently, inimitably her own. And yet, that’s the challenge. Valente’s skill manifests in a … Continue reading

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Alastair Reynolds’ Revelation Space audiobook 

Looking for a really superb space opera complete with fascinating characters, a complex back story, and a truly great story? And I do mean George R.R. Martin long as there’s over twenty two hours of story here. Fortunately it’s a … Continue reading

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Will Shetterly penned this review. This is the Serenity review for people who haven’t seen the movie: Go! That’s all you need to know. If this review was posted on a general interest site, I’d have to warn you that Serenity is a … Continue reading

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Larry Niven and Jerry Pournelle’s The Mote in God’s Eye audiobook

Throughout the past thousand years of history it has been traditional to regard the Alderson Drive as an unmixed blessing. Without the faster than light travel Alderson’s discoveries made possible, humanity would have been trapped in the tiny prison of … Continue reading

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Steven Brust’s My Own Kind of Freedom: A Firefly Novel

My Own Kind of Freedom was written by Brust in hopes that the corporation that was producing the series would be interested in buying it for development. That didn’t happen and Brust very nicely released this under, and I quote, … Continue reading

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