Tag Archives: short fiction

Michael Cadnum’s Can’t Catch Me And Other Twice-Told Tales; Tim Powers’ A Soul in a Bottle

It seems that more and more, the books that cross my desk don’t fit into any sort of traditional category. I have to assume that’s deliberate, since there is a whole generation of young writers who are deliberately blurring the … Continue reading

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Thomas M. Disch’s The Wall of America

Thomas M. Disch was one of the more challenging of the American New Wave science-fiction writers. Where writers such as Roger Zelazny and Samuel R. Delany were pushing the boundaries of the formally acceptable in science fiction (and fantasy, for … Continue reading

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Roger Zelazny’s The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth and Other Stories

Although he published his first story in the early 1950s, Roger Zelazny didn’t really impact the science fiction scene until 1963. That’s when I remember reading “A Rose for Eccelsiastes” in The Magazine of Fantasy and Science Fiction (with their … Continue reading

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Peter S. Beagle’s Return

As you’ve no doubt heard many times here at GMR, there is something unique about the writing of Peter S. Beagle. There’s a “can’t quite put your finger on it” quality that is, perhaps, equal parts simple, uninflected narration, universes … Continue reading

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Peter S. Beagle’s Giant Bones

Peter S. Beagle does not do sequels. He says. He is also one of the two fantasy writers I know who quite blithely admits that his universe-building is more than a little haphazard, just enough to hang the story on. … Continue reading

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Leslie What’s Crazy Love

I first ran across Leslie What in the anthology Interfictions, edited by Delia Sherman and Theodora Goss. The story included there, the completely delightful “Post Hoc,” seems to be typical of What’s approach: place a character into a situation that … Continue reading

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Robert Silverberg’s To Be Continued: The Collected Stories of Robert Silverberg, Volume One

I’ve mentioned elsewhere that Robert Silverberg was one of those writers of the 1950s and 1960s who was regularly turning out interesting and workmanlike stories. Then came a series of novels that rocked readers of science fiction back on their … Continue reading

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Robert E. Howard’s Kull: Exile of Atlantis

I’m sitting here somewhat red in the face at having to admit that, though a long-standing aficionado of heroic fantasy, I’ve never read anything by Robert E. Howard. It’s an appalling failure on my part, happily now rectified by the … Continue reading

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Michael Moorcock’s The Metatemporal Detective

The Metatemporal Detective is a collection of stories chronicling the various encounters between investigator Sir Seaton Begg and his arch-rival and distant cousin, a master criminal known as “Monsieur Zenith,” in various realms of the multiverse. The realms all occupy … Continue reading

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Charles de Lint’s The Hour Before Dawn and Two Other Stories from Newford

This volume was my first encounter with Charles de Lint’s Newford. Strangely enough, these works, particularly the title story, remind me very strongly of some of Jonathan Lethem’s stories, and I couldn’t begin to say why. De Lint’s stories are … Continue reading

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