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- A Kinrowan Estate story: Pub Ghoulies
- What’s New of 2nd of March: Kibbles and Bits including ghostly stories, the Hotel California, music picked by Gary of course
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Quotes that aren’t
- What’s New for the 16th of February: Books by and about Bob Dylan, and music by Dylan and others; plus some new world music and jazz
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Unreliable Narrators
- What’s New for the 2nd of February: All about the Oz books, green man lore, and gargoyles; Baltic polyphony, East-West ambient psychedelia, and a grab bag of other music
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Knit One, Purl Two
- What’s New for the 19th of January: Go Ahead, Be Pleasantly Surprised At What’s Here
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Ancients and Venerables of Guild of St. Nicholas
- What’s New for the 5th of January: A look back at books Gary reviewed in 2024; some seasonally appropriate Nordic music and a little new jazz
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Biscuits
- What’s New for the 22nd of December: A Solstice Story, Crow Girls, Scrooge, Marley, Elizabeth I, Revels and more festive holiday reading; The Lion in Winter on stage and screen; Jethro Tull, Steeleye Span, Christine Lavin, swinging jazz and more holiday sounds
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Fireplaces
- What’s New for the 8th of December: Elizabeth Bear fiction; some holiday related offerings including new music from The Unthanks, Americana tinged jazz, Polar Express, and more
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Eggnog
- What’s New for the 24th of November: Norwegian winter holiday music, archival jazz, new roots music from around Europe, and more; books and what not about things fictional & medæival
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Pudding
- What’s New for the 10th of November: a grab bag of books from our favorite authors; Richard Thompson and Stephane Grappelli on film; music from all over; and comfort food
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Brandy (A Letter to Tessa)
- What’s New for the 27th of October: The Byrds Live, Trader Joe’s Organic Hot Cocoa Mix, Some Excellent Music Reviews, Folkmanis Puppets of an Autumnal Nature, The Mouse Guard begins…
- A Kinrowan Estate story: All The World’s A Stage
- What’s New for the 13th of October: Elizabeth Bear tends a pot of turkey stock, Groot and Rocket Raccoon, A Video and Fiction set in India, Tasty music reviews, and music from Irish trad band Clannad
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Autumn is Here (A Letter to Anna)
- What’s New for the 29th of September: Louisiana’s Lost Bayou Ramblers, live music by Kathryn Tickell, Ottawa based urban fantasies by Charles de Lint, Norwegian saxophonist Karl Seglem, Gus on the Estate Kitchen garden and other Autumnal matters
- What’s New for the 15th of September: Autumn on the Estate is here
- A Kinrowan Estate story: A Pudding Contest
- What’s New for the 1st of September: A grab bag of books, music, and film that touch on the theme of work
- A Kinrowan Estate story: A Ghostly Librarian
- What’s New for the 18th of August:
- A Kinrowan Estate story: Breakfast, Korean Style
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Tag Archives: dark fantasy
Camille Bacon-Smith’s Daemon Eyes
Camille Bacon-Smith’s Daemon Eyes is an omnibus edition of Eye of the Daemon and Eyes of the Empress, which tell the story of the half-daemon Evan Davis, who is part of a most unusual detective agency. To fill in the … Continue reading
Elizabeth Bear’s The White City
Elizabeth Bear’s The White City is the third installment in her ongoing saga of Sebastien de Ulloa, vampire and wanderer in a universe somewhat different than out own in important respects. This one is a double-pronged narrative, sandwiching the events … Continue reading
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Tagged dark fantasy, fantasy, horror
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Shawn Piller and Lee Rose’s Haven, Seasons 1-4
I should point out right off the bat that I don’t watch regular TV. Among other reasons, I’m a binge-watcher, and I can’t stand to wait a week for the next episode of anything – somehow, a single thirty- or … Continue reading
Posted in Film
Tagged dark fantasy, fantasy, television
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Christopher Golden’s The Secret Backs of Things
Carpet sharks. The Wild Hunt. Human skin framed as a canvas in a painting. Really old Scottish manors with very odd monsters. The Norns. Hellboy. And that’s but a sampling of the things that are to be found in this … Continue reading
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Tagged dark fantasy, fantasy, horror
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Neil Gaiman and John Bolton’s Harlequin Valentine
Matej Novak penned this review. It is quite an injustice that Neil Gaiman is so often regarded only as a writer of comic books and graphic novels. But there are also those people — perhaps familiar with his short stories, novels or other works … Continue reading
Posted in Books
Tagged dark fantasy, john Bolton, Neil Gaiman
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Nina Kiriki Hoffman’s Catalyst
Sometime in the future, on the far-off, newly-colonized planet of Chuudoku, a teenage boy makes one of the most amazing discoveries possible. While fleeing from the predatorily-sexual advances of a cybernetically-augmented girl named Histly, Kaslin stumbles into an unexplored cave, … Continue reading
Norberto Barba, et al.: Grimm, Seasons One and Two
The NBC Television series Grimm entered my life quite by chance, when our esteemed publisher e-mailed me asking whether I wanted to review it. Knowing absolutely nothing about it, but having a newly acquired TV and DVD player, of course … Continue reading
Posted in Film
Tagged dark fantasy, mystery
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Harold Zwart’s Mortal Instruments: City of Bones
Along with the recent surge of superhero movies, we seem to have had a spate of films based on fantasy/dystopian future science fiction series oriented toward teenagers. This is not necessarily a bad thing, although the results, as might be … Continue reading
Posted in Film
Tagged dark fantasy, fantasy
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Charles Stross’ The Rhesus Chart
Warning: here be spoilers. Lots of them. There are no such things as vampires. Everyone knows that, including Bob Howard and the other members of The Laundry, the secret agency that protects the British from the eldritch horrors that are … Continue reading
Posted in Books, Uncategorized
Tagged dark fantasy, horror, Laundry Files
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Kelley Armstrong, Brazen
Billed as a manhunt (for certain values of “man”), Brazen is really a character piece. Officially labeled volume 13.1 in author Kelley Armstrong’s Women of the Underworld series, it focuses on the thus-far underwhelming Nick as its main protagonist. Handsome … Continue reading
Posted in Books, Uncategorized
Tagged contemporary fantasy, dark fantasy, women of the underworld
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