Tag Archives: criticism

Colin Symes’ Setting the Record Straight: A Material History of Classical Recording

One of the fundamental concepts of contemporary critical theory, whether it be post-modern, feminist, post-colonial, queer theory, or whatever subset one has chosen, is “discourse.” Discourse in this sense is not to be taken as mere converse employing words as … Continue reading

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Samuel R. Delany’s About Writing: Seven Essays, Four Letters, and Five Interviews

A bit of history: I don’t really remember when I started reading Samuel R. Delany’s novels. Looking at the list of his works, I seem to have pretty much kept up with everything through the mid-eighties, which is roughly the … Continue reading

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Joseph Stanton’s The Important Books: Children’s Books as Art and Literature

I am more than a little pleased to learn that I am not the only person who would think of comparing a children’s picture book with Les Tres Rich Heures du Duc de Berry, which is exactly what Joseph Stanton … Continue reading

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Constance W. Hassett’s Christina Rossetti: The Patience of Style

I suppose it’s accurate to say that we live in an archaeological age. We in the West spend a great deal of time investigating and re-evaluating the past, sometimes to our benefit, sometimes not so much. There are, for example, … Continue reading

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Edward James and Farah Mendelsohn’s The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction

You know that science fiction has arrived at some sort of respectability when you are confronted by something like The Cambridge Companion to Science Fiction. This is not really a new phenomenon — science fiction has been the subject of … Continue reading

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James Gunn and Matthew Candelaria’s Speculations on Speculation: Theories of Science Fiction

There are at least two obvious responses to the statement that Speculations on Speculation, a group of essays on science fiction criticism, is one of the two or three most exciting books, fiction or nonfiction, that I have read recently: … Continue reading

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Michael Rose: Berlioz Remembered; Hector Berlioz (trans.and ed. by Alastair Bruce): The Musical Madhouse (Les Grotesques de la musique)

If the Paris of the 19th century was considered the cultural capital of the world, it was with good reason: of the major artistic and intellectual figures of the age, those who did not live there made a point of … Continue reading

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W. R. J. Barron, editor: The Arthur of the English: The Arthurian Legend and Medieval English Life and Literature

Originally published in 1999, The Arthur of the English is the second volume in a series of scholarly anthologies centered on the Arthurian literature of the Middle Ages. The series as a whole is a cooperative effort of the University … Continue reading

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Audrey L. Becker and Kristin Noone’s Welsh Mythology and Folklore in Popular Culture

Welsh Mythology and Folklore in Popular Culture, edited by Audrey L. Becker and Kristin Noone, is, as one might expect, a scholarly anthology focusing on the influence and outright appropriation of Welsh mythology and legends in popular culture through the … Continue reading

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