Torchwood’s Golden Age audiobook

617Q22im2GL._SX258_BO1,204,203,200_Golden Age is the story of Torchwood India and what happened to it. It is my belief that the best of all the Torchwood were the audio dramas made by BBC during the run of the series. Please note that it was BBC and not Big Finish that produced these despite the fact that latter produces most of the Doctor Who and spinoff dramas. This is so because the new Doctor Who audio dramas were kept in-house and these productions were kept there as well, though Big Finish is now producing the new Doctor Who adventures as well.’

Something has gone wrong at the Torchwood India HQ which is particularly worrisome as that branch of Torchwood was shutdown a long time ago. So why is something odd happening there now? Something that involves an energy source in Delhi. Once there, they witness simultaneous disappearance of hundreds of people.

Jack is surprised to find that The Duchess, his old lover, is still living eighty years later along with the other Torchwood India staff, and none have aged a day. Is their eternal youth related to the energy field? And if so, how so? Time is running out as the energy field is expanding and all of Delhi may soon disappear as well. And will the Torchwood India staff allow them to correct whatever’s wrong?

Okay, the script’s splendid, definitely the best of all the Torchwood audio dramas that I’ve heard and that’s a lot. It’s a sterling story well-plotted that’s got some of the best dialogue in either these audio dramas or the video series. It wouldn’t work nearly this well if John Barrowman (Jack Harkness), Eva Myles (Gwen Cooper), and Gareth David-Lloyd (Ianto Jones) weren’t here voicing their characters. It’s a pleasure to listen to them here as they obviously loved doing it. I can’t recommend this highly enough!

Oh and there’s a very nice portrayal of the British Raj here as well. I can almost envision the chai wallahs!

(BBC Audiobooks, 2009)

Cat Eldridge

I'm the publisher of Green Man Review. I do the Birthdays and Media Anniversary write-ups for Mike Glyer’s, the foremost SFF fandom site.

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