A Kinrowan Estate story: A Ghostly Librarian

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I haven’t seen him despite having The Sight but several persons down the years have said that a man dressed in Victorian Era clothes and looking apparently quite solid. He looked to in his late fifties or early sixties, tall and skinny, wearing sliver rimmed glasses. He was putting away books on the shelves well after midnight according to one person and a Several Annie some sixty years ago was unable to sleep, as the Estate Journal of that time notes, and decided to get something and was surprised to see a person in the Library at three in the morning.

That’s when it got weird. She said what she called The Librarian turned to her and asked her what book she was looking for. She didn’t think anything of it beyond the oddness of the hour — no Librarian ever works that late not even the very much unlamented and hopefully quite dead Grubb — and so she said she was looking for the latest Christie and he said it was on the desk waiting to be put away.

She said thanks, started to turn away, and remembered that she was also looking for any Sayers she hadn’t read, so she turned back and watched him fading away to nothing within a few moments. She decided that getting back to her bed was a very good idea and go out of there was fast as she could.

The last time that he was seen was by another Several Annie only twenty years back that saw him in the early even when Iain and Catherine were off on a trip to the Nordic region for a much deserved vacation. It appeared to her that he had simply decided to fill as Librarian while Iain was elsewhere. Now that’s what I call a dedicated professional!

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I was hanged upon The Tree and I talked to My Ravens. Isn't that enough to say about myself?

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About Hrafnfreistuor

I was hanged upon The Tree and I talked to My Ravens. Isn't that enough to say about myself?
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