Lindt (more formally Chocoladefabriken Lindt & Sprüngli AG) is a Swiss chocolatier founded in 1845 and known for, among other things, its chocolate truffles. If you go to their website, you can find information on a whole range of their products in the Lindor line — except the six-pack of milk chocolate truffle eggs that I have sitting in front of me. (Which, as it happens, was manufactured in Germany.) I suspect that this was a special issue for Easter.
Before I go on, one caveat: As I’ve grown older and more experienced in the ways of chocolate, I’ve come to favor the dark chocolates with a higher percentage of cocoa: the flavor, in my opinion, is generally more complex and rewarding than the lighter chocolates and milk chocolate. You’ve been warned.
This package contains six eggs in a clear plastic egg carton (there’s really no other way to describe it), each individually wrapped in red foil. If you search the slip-over label carefully, you will find a caveat: “Keep cool (60-68° F) and dry.” It’s advice you’d do well to heed, and I’d suggest you go for the low end of the range: at room temperature — somewhat over 70 degrees in my apartment — the eggs are very soft and fragile. Add in that they are securely wrapped — very securely — and once you do get them unwrapped, it’s something of a risk to try to take a bite out of it: you may have runny chocolate all over the place if you’re not careful.
However, the real test is in the eating, as they say. The shell is rather soft at temperatures outside the recommended range, and it’s milk chocolate: soft and sweet and, while not as bland as some milk chocolates I’ve tried, the flavor lacks a certain depth. The truffle inside is somewhat more firm and has an almost fruity taste, but still the overwhelming sensation is sweetness.
And there’s not really much more to say: if you’re after a quick chocolate fix, I’ve had worse, but for real chocoholics, stick to the dark chocolates.