Category Archives: Uncategorized

A Kinrowan Estate story: Kedgeree

I had an exemplary kedgeree for my breakfast this morning along with a lovely lapsang souchong tea. Now if you’re reading this in the States, you might be puzzled as to what I ate. And when you hear what it … Continue reading

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What’s New for the 9th of June: Some beach reads — dark fantasy, superhero romance, comic fantasy and teen aliens; Finnish fiddles, Swedish-American jazz, and an Earl Scruggs tribute, and a grab bag of archival music; glam rock on film; an Alan Moore tribute

We keep our cats as happy as we can. — Anna Nimmhaus Whats Iain drinking, you ask? That’s Mozart dark chocolate liqueur.   Cat reviewed the first two books in a dark fantasy series by Stephen Dedman, The Art of … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on What’s New for the 9th of June: Some beach reads — dark fantasy, superhero romance, comic fantasy and teen aliens; Finnish fiddles, Swedish-American jazz, and an Earl Scruggs tribute, and a grab bag of archival music; glam rock on film; an Alan Moore tribute

What’s New for the 12th of May: a Terry Pratchett edition: Discworld and other worlds, adult fantasy, YA stories, and lit-crit; new Karelian, Canadian and Big Band music; and Smithfield Fair from the archives

Cats have a way of always having been there even if they’ve only just arrived.  They move in their own personal time.  They act as if the human world is one they just happened to have stopped off in, on … Continue reading

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A Kinrowan Estate story: Designing Trolls

Dear Anna, Imagine an old forest witch, a crone with a cackle and gnarled hands. Well Justina did one of those when she was here the first time. Alas the Troll proved more elusive in design. Much more elusive. And … Continue reading

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What’s New for the 31st of March: Foxes in fiction; new Americana, Russian folk, Persian, and Nordic music; Justice League comics; Cajun music on film, and more!

You think foxes only hunt with their eyes? — Tale of The Nine-Tail, a Korean serial Chilly breezes are still with us, but we’ve hit that time of year when the outside temperatures may be anywhere on the scale — … Continue reading

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What’s New for the 17th of March: A grab bag of fantasy and folklore including American Gods; some fantastic graphic novels; a grab bag of CDs including Scottish Traveler stories & songs, and folk songs from all over;

In a circle of stones they placed the pot, In a circle of stones, but barely nine They heated it red and fiery hot ‘Till the burnished brass did glimmer and shine. They rolled him up in a sheet of … Continue reading

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What’s New for the 4th of February: Mostly Tolkien – The Hobbit and Lord of the Rings books, films, and even some audio

“There is nothing like looking, if you want to find something. You certainly usually find something, if you look, but it is not always quite the something you were after.” – Thorin Oakenshield, to Fili and Kili, The Hobbit, Chapter … Continue reading

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What’s New for the 3rd of September: Gary pens a short tribute to Jimmy Buffett, New jazz and Americana music, a grab bag of styles from the archives, books about English folk rock, books about breakfast and brunch, a black and white world, a panned comic, and more

The lie wasn’t meant to be believed. It was just social grease, intended to keep wheels turning. — Aliette de Bodard’s Fireheart Tiger Come in… Let me pour you a pint of Dark Hollow Ale, one of our Autumn offerings here in … Continue reading

Posted in Uncategorized | Comments Off on What’s New for the 3rd of September: Gary pens a short tribute to Jimmy Buffett, New jazz and Americana music, a grab bag of styles from the archives, books about English folk rock, books about breakfast and brunch, a black and white world, a panned comic, and more

What’s New for the 3rd of September:

Quote Opening notes Books Film Food Graphic Novel Music What Not Coda

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What’s New for the 14 of May: Lots of live music plus some new jazz and country; urban fantasy, horror, and classic sf; new Oreos;

I sipped my own coffee, heavy on the sugar and cream, trying to make up for the late work the night before. Caffeine and sugar, the two basic food groups. — Laurell K. Hamilton’s Cerulean Sins It’s a little cooler than last … Continue reading

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