Four books about Bob Dylan, reviewed in free verse

Carl Benson’s The Bob Dylan Companion: Four Decades Of Commentary
Clinton Heylin’s Bob Dylan: A Life In Stolen Moments, Day By Day 1941-1995
Paul Williams’s Bob Dylan: Performing Artist, The Early Years 1960-1973
Paul Williams’s Bob Dylan: Performing Artist, The Middle Years 1974-1986

Here’s a new lookcover, The Bob Dylan Companion
a few looks at the man himself
old words from his own mouth
and answers to questions
if you can call ’em answers
a few pictures an’ pages an’ pages
of black stained paper.

Carl Benson leads off
with The Bob Dylan Companion
an’ the old interviews pile up
with funny quotes like
“the world don’t need me. Christ,
I’m only five feet ten…
everybody dies.”
an’ it don’t seem like
the reporters could tell
when he was puttin’ ’em on.

There’s some darn good readin’ here
reprinted from ev’rywhere
and from ev’ry time
right here between the covers
to make it easy fer ya’ ta read!
an’ it finishes with
a newer interview an’ the followin’ quote… “it’s always nice to be appreciated,
especially when you’re alive.”

cover, Bob Dylan: A Life In Stolen Moments, Day By Day 1941-1995Clinton Heylin is somethin’ of
an expert on the works of ol’ Bob
and his book is a bit obsessive
If’n ya want ta know where Bobby was
on the 22nd of July ’86
then this here’s the place ta go.

He’ll tell ya the songs
that were played
an’ the rooms where they stayed
an’ the halls that were rented
an’ the rules circumvented
an’ all the news that’s fit ta print
an’ the things in Bob’s pocket
right down to the lint.

An’ for some strange reason
tho’ it seems like overkill
it’s a treat to pick up
cover, Bob Dylan: Performing Artist The Early Yearsan’ browse a few pages
b’fore ya go ta bed!

the other two volumes are heavy an’ thick
Bob Dylan: Performing Artist
The Early Years
The Middle Years
the never ending tour had not yet begun
but Paul Williams assesses
each an’ ev’ry one
that came before.

Ev’ry album,
Ev’ry song, ev’ry singer
each guitar picker an’ drummer
an’ Chinese bell ringer
spring, fall, winter, summer
the backup singers
the movement of Bobby’s fingers
the tilt of his hat,
was that where it’s at?

cover, Bob Dylan, Performaning Artist The Middle Years 1974-1986 there’s a wealth of information
too much to take in
at first glance.
An’ now that I’ve read the two
official biographies
an’ these assessments of performance
an’ songwriting
an’ the compendium of opinions
through the ages
an’ the daily diary of his movements
do I know Bob Dylan any better?

I ask myself,
do I know Bobby Zimmerman at all?
An’ you know…
I’d hafta say…
nobody knows the mystery tramp
but if ya wanta catch a glimpse of him
skippin’ like a stone
across the waters of time
here’s a few books that might,
no, definitely will,
help ya on yer way.

These four volumes, and the hours it took to read them (not to mention the Shelton and Sounes books reviewed last month) gave me a new appreciation of the gifts of Bob Dylan. He has been on the scene so long, doing what he does, that it’s easy to start to take him for granted. None of these authors do that. Williams and Heylin obviously admire and respect Dylan and their books are testimony to the regard in which they hold him. Heylin has written other books — about Dylan’s recording sessions and his unreleased tapes. Paul Williams’ Performing Artist set is perhaps the finest, most exhaustive, and sensitive look at Dylan’s work yet written. And the collection of old articles and interviews found in Benson’s compendium make it invaluable. Each author brings something new to the table, and together they complement each other, creating the basis of a fine library for the serious student of Bob Dylan’s career, and oeuvre.

(Schirmer Books, 1998)
(Schirmer Books, 1996)
(Omnibus Press, 1994)
(Omnibus Press, 1994)

David Kidney

David Kidney was born in the Marine Hospital on Staten Island in the middle of the last century, when the millenium seemed a very long way off. His family soon moved to Canada, because the air was fresher. He has written songs and stories, played guitar, painted, sculpted, and coached soccer and baseball. He edits and publishes the Rylander, the Ry Cooder Quarterly, which has subscribers around the world. He says life in the Great White North is grand. He lives in Dundas in the province of Ontario, with his wife.

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